Thursday 5 July 2012

Matte Nail polish (NYC Matte Me Crazy)

( The picture on top is the before and the one on the bottom the after) 

Matte nails are gorgeous, there is no denying that but I was quite confused for a while on how to achieve the very glam look. It is way simpler than it seems! All it takes is a bottle of mattifying topcoat. The only one I have tried is the NYC Matte Me Crazy (Gotta love that name :P) and I absolutely love it! I apply my nail polish as normal and just apply one coat of the topcoat and it makes the nail polish matte in just a few seconds. I would totally recommend this to anyone. Another plus of the topcoat is that it does make my nail polish last quite a while. Hope this helped! 

(I bought the product with my own money and this is completely my honest personal opinion, I am not being paid to mention this product)  

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